The ones who do IT.
Being a creative agency who would have thought we would become IT peopel too. Immersed in the world of cybersecurity and cloud technology we found Neveco pleasantly existed to help customers to get on with business and go do the things they enjoy without barriers, restrictions or inconvenience rather than be held back by technology. Go chase dreams, not slowed down. We discovered when it comes to technology we don’t want to hear no. Ever. And there it is. Slap in the middle of technology. So we quickly changed that and took the NO out of technology and created techgology. You’re welcome. Less no. More go.
We didn’t stop there either and turned the cloud world upside down making the dark clouds that hover over peoples heads as soon as they think of IT and changed that metaphor upside down turning dark to bright and rain to light, creating the Perfect Cloud cover. And a perfect brand identity. Nice.