Our little shop in Devonport wins the creative for a national branding project launching Zyft. Best described as the product Google should have built. This is very exciting.
Created by the founder of the giant online ‘compare and save’ insurance provider iSelect this high-tech AI social platform app is set to revolutionise retail online shopping globally.
Once downloaded Zyft follows browsing behaviour quietly in the background, searching and helping customers compare and buy products at the very best price. If you’re looking for Bose speakers, an LG fridge or golf clubs for example, Zyft will list the best prices for the same product as you browse saving you time and money.
Zyft is forward-thinking and always in motion. It’s a magic, futuristic helper that follows ones searching journey, wherever and whenever you shop online. It inspired the brand strategy and positioning line “Always Searching”, and animation for the flashing text cursor to complement the logo concept. The custom-made logotype is intended to appeal to an early adopter sifting and swiping through the internet clutter with a defining tone of voice, brand essence and shared values — friendly, fun, approachable, challenging conservative thinking and doing things different.
We developed the brand strategy and new corporate identity, icons, style guide, language and tone of voice, website design, merchandise, stationery with more to come.